Using User Allow list to restrict access privileges to specific Emails

Set access permissions for using Puffin Secure Browser based on user email addresses.

This section will display the number of enrolled users versus the maximum number of users allowed for your enterprise plan.

After subscribing to a Team Plan, all users whose mail domain matches the one in your registration can activate a Puffin Secure Browser client. This default setting is indicated as follows.

You can limit Puffin Secure Browser activation and usage to specific users in your organization by adding user email addresses to the user allow list.

Allow listing Specific Users

  1. Navigate to Add New Domain or Mail box.
  2. Click the Trash icon next to the default domain to delete the default setting.
  3. Add user email addresses to the list individually.
  • Note: Only users from the domain associated with your account can be added to the allow list. Adding users from other domains/organizations is currently not supported. You can add as many users as you like to the allow list, as long as it does not exceed the quota of your current plan.

Bulk Operations

In addition to adding user emails individually, Puffin Enterprise Cloud Portal also provides bulk import and export features.

  • Note: The file uploader supports text files in the format of one mail address per line. Simply enter mail addresses and save them as a text (.txt) file.

How to import a text file:

  1. Navigate to the Main/Domain table.
  2. Click Import/export.
  3. Under the Import mail domain/box section, click Choose File and choose the target text file (.txt) to upload.
  4. Click Upload.
  5. Click OK when the confirmation dialog appears.
  6. The user emails are imported and will overwrite your existing data.
  7. Once you've configured the user allow list, you can download a text file (.txt) of the list to your hard drive. You can perform some editing, and import the file to Enterprise Cloud Portal again to add new users.

How to export your user allow list:

  1. Navigate to the Main/Domain table.
  2. Click Import/export.
  3. Navigate to Export mail domain/box.
  4. Click Export and download as a text file and save the file to your local hard drive.

Please notice that Puffin Cloud Portal is only available for Business and Enterprise subscribers.

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